FlightSimX-Fanatics FlightSim2004-Fanatics
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FSX AI and User Aircraft WingSpan Values Table FSX & FS2004 Default GA Traffic Files
CYRV - Revelstoke, BC, Can - FSX airport - hand coding in XML example -
Some of us has a huge interest in Microsoft Flight Simulator - not just flying - but customizing our FS world. Our wives or significant others will say that our interest goes well beyond that to fanatical obsession. Over the years since FS2004 was released - we've learned a lot and some if that information is actually useful and important. The expansion of knowledge after the release of FSX has been even more exciting and insigitful. Offset LDA Localizer used to curving approach to Rwy 26L at PHNL - a key discovery in the effort of finding how to make AI aircraft avoid terrain. A big issue for AI at some airports - Overrun areas are NOT part of the runway The circle of the hold short node must cover part of the regular runway before AI aircraft will ask for takeoff clearance. However, displaced thresholds are part of the runway and AI aircraft arriving at those hold short nodes will ask for and receive takeoff clearance..