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Mauritius - Indian Ocean

FIMR - Plaine Corail, Rodrigues Island, Mauritius

FIMP - Mauritius International, Plaisance, Mauritius

FSD Piaggio Avanti P-180


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Personal AFCAD files


After a few days on the beach and some interesting cave explorations, the boss wants an early start on the trip back home.

I love startups just before dawn.

Climbing out with a stiff cross wind

Dawn is starting to break behind us as we climb out

Still dark down below as we cruise at FL340

As we get ready to descend 300 miles into the flight, an hour after takeoff - the sun is finally clear of the horizon.

Port Louis is waking up in the morning

We're a little early and want the sun our of our eyes for landing on Rwy 14, so a couple slow 360's ease the descent and give us about 5 more minutes of light.

Making the turn off the GBY VOR and down to the cross island path for landing.

There are several of those steep peaks on the island of Mauritus - and pilots better heed the warning areas - the 3500 foot minimum is only 300 feet above this peak

Another deceptive part of landing on Rwy 14 is the central island ridge which hides the airport - all those sugar cane fields just blend into together.

The runway pops into sight as we clear the ridge. According to the ILS we are about 1500 feet high - but being on the glide slope would put us into the ridge.

Rudder - watch the swirling crosswinds.

Better and almost down

The Air Mauritius local fleet will be going to work soon

Tourism is big business on this idyllic island.

Time to let the boss stretch his legs as we wait for the fuel truck before the next leg to Reunion.

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